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Reputation Intelligence

Monitor and manage your organization's digital footprint through advanced analysis of online reputation data, ensuring brand integrity and positive public perception.

Reputation Intelligence Dashboard

Reputation Insights from OSINT

Harness AI-powered content classification to monitor and analyze online content impacting brand reputation. DigitalStakeout enables organizations to proactively manage their online presence by identifying and categorizing mentions across social media, news, and other digital platforms. Our platform empowers businesses to swiftly address negative sentiment and capitalize on positive engagements, maintaining control over their brand narrative. DigitalStakeout's reputation intelligence supports strategic communication planning, crisis management, and customer engagement, ensuring brands can navigate the complexities of online reputation management. DigitalStakeout enables organizations to safeguard their reputation, enhance brand loyalty, and drive strategic marketing decisions by providing real-time insights into how brands are perceived.



Proactive Reputation Management

Enables continuous monitoring and analysis of brand mentions, allowing organizations to manage and influence their online reputations effectively.

Strategic Communication & Engagement

Informs communication strategies with valuable insights, ensuring messages resonate with audiences and support positive brand perception, enhancing customer relationships.

Crisis Management & Mitigation

Provides the tools to quickly identify potential crises and mitigate their impact, protecting the brand's integrity and maintaining public trust in the digital age.

Reputation Intelligence Dashboard

AI-Powered Event, Incident and Risk Detection across 16 Classes of Risk & 225+ Event Types

Reputation Risk Analysis

DigitalStakeout’s reputation intelligence technology specializes in detecting both positive and negative brand mentions across the digital landscape. It tracks customer feedback, reviews, social media posts, and news articles, providing a comprehensive view of the brand's online reputation. This includes identifying instances of brand advocacy and endorsement, as well as addressing complaints, rumors, or misinformation that could harm the brand’s image. By offering a holistic overview of how a brand is discussed and perceived online, DigitalStakeout enables companies to tailor their marketing and communication efforts, engage with their audience more effectively, and implement strategies to enhance their reputation, ensuring they remain competitive and respected in their industry.

Reputation Threat Monitoring, Alerting & Analysis



Console facilitates detailed analysis with customizable search and filter options, data tagging, and export capabilities, enhancing user ability.

Geo Location Monitor

Geo Location Monitor

Discover real-time insights and ground truth using DigitalStakeout's Geo Location Monitor for accurate location-based intelligence.

Data Tagging

Data Tagging

Empower your data analysis with the flexibility of user-defined conditional data tagging, tailoring insights to your specific requirements.



Scale and streamline by automating tasks, tagging data and sharing information.



Create custom dashboards with DigitalStakeout to enhance your understanding of your data and the threat environment.

Historical Search

Historical Search

Access context-specific data from designated time ranges with DigitalStakeout's historical search feature.

Security Risk Classification

Security Risk Classification

Enhance your security and risk management with DigitalStakeout's purpose-built AI detection, adept at identifying and categorizing data into pertinent risk incidents.

Geo Tagged Data

Geo Tagged Data

Maximize geo-tagged data utilization with DigitalStakeout's enriched location data, providing unparalleled visibility into precise geographical locations.



Minimize alert fatigue and stay informed on critical discoveries with real-time alerting.

Let's Get Started

See DigitalStakeout in action. See a live demo now.

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