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OSINT Processing & Enrichment

Transform open source intelligence (OSINT) into enriched, actionable intelligence to enable informed decisions.

Enhance your decision-making with DigitalStakeout's advanced processing capabilities, where raw OSINT data is meticulously refined into enriched, structured intelligence. Our platform employs state-of-the-art AI, machine learning, and NLP to cleanse data, add contextual layers, and automate the categorization of information. The transformation of OSINT collection into valuable insights enables precise alerting and streamlined workflows, ensuring that you have access to the most relevant and actionable data. With DigitalStakeout's transparent enrichment process, every piece of data is turned into a potential lead, illuminating facts and patterns required for investigation and analysis.

Translate Discoveries to English

Enhance your search experience with automated keyword translation via Google Translate, broadening your search capabilities.

Annotating Records For Context and Teamwork

Empower your data analysis with the flexibility of user-defined conditional data tagging, tailoring insights to your specific requirements.

OSINT Discovery

AI Powered Risk & Threat Detection

Uncover risk insights using Intelligent Discovery™ threat Spotter, which utilizes AI for incident discovery.

Named Entity Resolution of People, Places and Things

DigitalStakeout auto-extracts entities—people, places, things—that identifies 5+ million entities.

Extracting Meta-Data into Fields

DigitalStakeout automatically normalizes and maximizes data into fields for efficient filtering and triage.

Logically Organizing Your Data into Compartments

Streamline data organization and segregation with DigitalStakeout's versatile multi-modal data structure for enhanced efficiency.

Tag Any Data Record with Places and Locations

Improve data analysis through DigitalStakeout's geo-extraction and inferred geo-tagging capabilities for precise location insights.

Leverage Geo Tagged Data for Location Analysis

Maximize geo-tagged data utilization with DigitalStakeout's enriched location data, providing unparalleled visibility into precise geographical locations.

Automated Detection of Risk Events, Immediate Threats, and Actionable Incidents

Enhance your security and risk management with DigitalStakeout's purpose-built AI detection, adept at identifying and categorizing data into pertinent risk incidents.

Deep Sentiment Analysis to Spot Hate, Toxicity, and Severe Reputation Incidents

Spot high-risk content effectively with deep sentiment analysis and context classification features for hate and volatility.

Get started, see DigitalStakeout Scout plans and pricing.

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