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Crime Intelligence

Proactively detect, analyze, and counteract criminal activities and threats through comprehensive data analysis, enhancing security measures and safeguarding assets.

Crime Intelligence Dashboard

Crime Insights from OSINT

DigitalStakeout’s crime content classification technology offers users a distinctive capability to discover public crime-related content. Automatically categorizing crime-related information empowers users to swiftly identify, analyze, and respond to potential threats. Our capability enhances situational awareness and streamlines decision-making, enabling a more proactive and informed approach to crime prevention and investigation. With DigitalStakeout, users gain a critical edge in protecting communities, safeguarding interests and mitigating risks in an increasingly complex public content environment.



Enhance Situational Awareness

DigitalStakeout's content classification technology provides a comprehensive overview of the digital threat landscape by categorizing crime-related data. Users benefit from an enhanced understanding of potential threats, enabling them to stay one step ahead of criminal activities.

Streamline Analysis and Response

By automating the process of sorting and identifying relevant crime-related information, this technology significantly reduces the time and effort required for analysis. Users can quickly pinpoint critical data, allowing for faster and more effective responses to emerging threats.

Proactive Threat Mitigation

With AI-powered classification, users can identify patterns and trends in criminal behavior, leading to more proactive measures against potential threats. This preemptive approach not only helps in preventing crime but also aids in minimizing the impact of criminal activities on organizations and communities.

Crime Intelligence Dashboard

AI-Powered Event, Incident and Risk Detection across 16 Classes of Risk & 225+ Event Types

Crime Risk Analysis

DigitalStakeout's crime content classification technology adeptly identifies a wide spectrum of criminal activities, from financial misdemeanors like fraud to the intricacies of geopolitical espionage, posing threats to national security. It uncovers the operations of organized crime networks and petty crimes, demonstrating a wide-reaching capability.

The system spots smuggling activities, arson cases, and various forms of abuse alongside serious offenses such as extortion, homicide, gang activity, and kidnapping. It's also fine-tuned to recognize violent actions, including aggravated assault, rape, and shootings, as well as non-violent crimes like stalking. Through precise detection and analysis, DigitalStakeout equips users with the tools necessary to address and mitigate the impacts of crime, contributing to overall safety and security.

Crime Threat Monitoring, Alerting & Analysis



Console facilitates detailed analysis with customizable search and filter options, data tagging, and export capabilities, enhancing user ability.

Geo Location Monitor

Geo Location Monitor

Discover real-time insights and ground truth using DigitalStakeout's Geo Location Monitor for accurate location-based intelligence.

Data Tagging

Data Tagging

Empower your data analysis with the flexibility of user-defined conditional data tagging, tailoring insights to your specific requirements.



Scale and streamline by automating tasks, tagging data and sharing information.



Create custom dashboards with DigitalStakeout to enhance your understanding of your data and the threat environment.

Historical Search

Historical Search

Access context-specific data from designated time ranges with DigitalStakeout's historical search feature.

Security Risk Classification

Security Risk Classification

Enhance your security and risk management with DigitalStakeout's purpose-built AI detection, adept at identifying and categorizing data into pertinent risk incidents.

Geo Tagged Data

Geo Tagged Data

Maximize geo-tagged data utilization with DigitalStakeout's enriched location data, providing unparalleled visibility into precise geographical locations.



Minimize alert fatigue and stay informed on critical discoveries with real-time alerting.

Let's Get Started

See DigitalStakeout in action. See a live demo now.

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